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The Volunteers

From left to right: Bill J, Sam B., Becky D., Bob L., Louis C., Russ P.

This page will tell you who our volunteers are and how to become one yourself.

The Volunteers Chapter Chair   Sam Burkhouse

Training Chair  Sam Burkhouse 

Finance Chair  Bill Jackens 

Literature Chair  Russ Powell

Outreach & Publicity Chair  Not Assigned

Phone Chair  Luis Carlson

Newsletter Chair  Luis Carlson

Secretary   Bob Long

Would you like to become a Volunteer? We are always shorthanded for many tasks, if you would like to become a volunteer, please send email to Sam Burkhouse.
Become a Coordinator The volunteer efforts of Coordinators are the backbone of the SMART Recovery organization. Coordinators are individuals who believe in the principles upon which the SMART Recovery program is based, and who desire to serve their communities by volunteering their time to organize, publicize and lead meetings. Individuals who have gained independence from addictive behavior, either through SMART Recovery, or in any manner, and who believe in the principles upon which our program is based, are encouraged to consider becoming a Coordinator.
Become a Professional Advisor Professional Advisors support Coordinators by providing training and supervision on leading SMART Recovery meetings. This training and supervision is accomplished by brief contact as needed, and typically as well by periodic meetings between the Advisor and one or more Coordinators in a given locality. The Professional Advisor is available in the event of a participant's behavioral health crisis, and helps guide access to appropriate care. Behavioral health professionals with training in the treatment of addictive behavior, and an interest in serving as a Professional Advisor, are encouraged to contact us.


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Updated:Thursday, December 30, 1999

Copyright © 1996,1997,1998, 1999,2000  SMART Recovery